Wednesday, July 30, 2014

58. Hanson vs Jil- Jenny Idea Lady- Part 3

Okay, I promised the story of how I got the nickname Jenny Idea Lady, and then I avoided posting for ages because it's a bit silly, but I have the posts mostly written, I really just need to get them out of the way! So, here's the beginning of the Jil saga.

It started with Hanson actually. That band of kids with long hair, you know? Yeah... my next door neighbor, Stephanie, and her friend, Candace were big fans of them. They probably still are... at least, I'm pretty sure I've seen a few references to Hanson back when Stephanie had Facebook. I am not certain exactly how long ago this happened, 15 years at least.

The girls decided that they wanted to make a present for Hanson... and somehow they had got it in their minds that I was creative and would give them an idea of something to make.
Now, being as I wasn't so much a fan, I hadn't a clue what they'd like. (And, would they really want anything the girls would send them anyway? Well, I wasn't going to suggest that to them, didn't want to hurt their feelings. After all, what do I know, I've never been much of a fangirl. Maybe people sent them things all the time, maybe famous people actually use the things people sent them...)

As they begged for my help, Candace (I think) began to call me Jenny Idea Lady.

At some point it got shortened to Jil, although Candace never liked that I spell it with just one L. However, she never came up with something for the second L, so I still spell it with one L.

The story is a lot more interesting in my memory than when I put it down in words. It's amazing how many little details are forgotten over the years...

I don't know if they ever picked something cool and exciting to send to Hanson.
I just know that I liked the nickname.

The truth is, I'm using a nickname that I proved to not be true the first time I was called it.

I don't always have ideas. And sometimes I don't have good ideas. But, sometimes I do have ideas, and they're good, and I need to be more than just an Idea Lady. I need to follow through.
And in my mind, Jil is the part of me who does that, who finishes her paintings and her novels without fear of what happens next.

Jil has ideas and does something about them.
Because Jenny doesn't.

Jil- Part 1
Jil- Part 2

Sunday, July 6, 2014

57. Frames

I was looking through my old photos and found this goofy one of me which I posted on Facebook.

A friend commented that I needed frames for my pieces of glass. Well, they have frames... the frames wouldn't help much for the wearing of them...

It was taken in July... 2012. I randomly take pictures of projects I'm working on, just in case I want to blog about them... and then I never do.

This wasn't really much of a project, I bought these picture frames at Goodwill. They were quite filthy, which is why I had the glass out.

The details on the frame weren't so easy to clean as the glass, there was plenty of spiderwebs and dust covering them.

Had to take out all these little brads around the edge, stuck them on a magnetic pin thing for sewing.

I think this is one of the before pictures, but to be honest it's really hard to tell. The window blinds make a cool design, but they hide the pictures.

Here is one of the after pictures.
I haven't decided if I'm keeping the photos in them or if I'm going to find something else I like, but for now they are pretty enough.

And finally, a picture of them hanging on the wall in the living room after one roommate moved out and before the next one moved in.
So, basically, this is all the furniture I had in the livingroom at that point in time. (I've managed to pick up some more furniture since, though I've moved, so that just means more furniture in storage.)

Totally looks like where someone as goofy-looking as me might hang out, right?
Have a fun day!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

56. Fairy Tales

I learned from my friend Rebecca that today is National Tell a Fairy Tale Day. I love Fairy Tales! Here's some things related to fairy tales!

For another way to celebrate, check out Erstwhile. They make webcomics retelling folk and fairy tales.

In trying to think of other things to share regarding fairy tales, I remembered this picture I drew.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

55. Jenny Idea Lady

So, I'm branching out a little bit and trying to post a bit more often.
I keep planning to write more, but somehow I get overwhelmed with what I want to write and sitting down and writing it so that I can post.
Well, I went and met some new people last month, people in my area from a larger group that author/speaker Jon Acuff started. We talked about our dreams and our goals, and though blogging wasn't my goal for the month, it came up in the conversation. I admitted I hardly ever blog.
They told me I should be blogging every day, even just a little bit.
They're right.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

54. Where's Job?

So, you may be wondering, why, if she has the Bible study on Job written out ahead of time, is she not posting?
Okay, maybe nobody really reads it anyway, so nobody cares...
But, just in case you were wondering, I don't know where I packed the journal that it's written in.
So, don't fear (or do), it'll be back eventually, probably some time after whenever I move again.
And now you know.

Job 2:5-6